Differentiate Assignment Due/Open Dates
Article Overview
In this article, we will discuss, in more depth, the assignment customizations available in Studio. These customizations can be made based on job roles, tags, or individual users' needs. One single assignment can have different windows of access that are tailored to a variety of target audiences. An assignment can also remain open, with rolling registrations, as new audiences need to consume the training content.
- Default Assignment Duration
- Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on JOB ROLES
- Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on TAGS
- Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on INDIVIDUAL USERS
- Best Practices & Troubleshooting
1) Default Assignment Duration
Campaign and Reference assignments DO NOT have a duration customization.
- For these assignment templates, you will simply establish a start and end date. During this window, all registered learners will be granted access to the content.
New Hire assignments DO HAVE a duration customization.
- New hire assignments can remain open for long periods of time with learners cycling through as needed. To make this possible, a 'duration' must be set. You will enter a default duration for assignment completion.
- The availability start and end dates you create in the blanket settings dictate when the content will be 'live'. They don't necessarily indicate when a specific learner, or group of learners, will have access. This is because you can create 'future' start dates for targeted learning groups, or for individuals.
2) Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on JOB ROLES
We realize not all learning audiences can be properly served by one hard-fast training window. Therefore, Skyllful provides the option to differentiate training durations according to Job Roles, Tags, and even based on the needs of Individuals.
Click the Job Role section's [+] icon to open a list of Job Roles associated with this Learning Program
3) Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on TAGS
Another differentiation option is to assign tags to your learners. Then, use those tags as a way to tailor assignment durations.
Click the User Tag section's [+] icon to open a list ofTags associated with this Learning Program
4) Customizing an Assignment's Duration based on INDIVIDUAL USERS
Any duration established in this section will take precedence over all other durations.
As was the case with tags, you can customize the duration and/or the start date for individuals. You don't have to customize both. You can use today's date and newly entered users will have data calculations starting at the date of entry into the assignment.
5) Best Practices & Troubleshooting
Best Practices
Coming Soon
[Duration] is grayed out, so I can't customize my assignment windows for different audiences.
- Make sure you have selected the [New Hire] assignment template. You cannot differentiate durations for targeted audiences in a [Campaign] or [Reference] assignment.
[Learners] is grayed out, so I can't add anyone to my assignment.
- You must first enter the blanket settings (title & dates) and add lessons before learners can be added. Don't forget to click the blue [Create] button once you have this information entered.
Both [IQ Settings] and [Duration] are grayed out.
- You have selected Reference as your assignment template.
- If you want to differentiate durations for different users, you will need to choose the New Hire template.
- If you want to create a lesson that is open for a single window of time for all registered users, you can use either the Campain template or the New Hire template.
I don't want to customize the date for tags or individuals; but I can't save my changes unless I do.
- You can simply enter today as the start date if you don't need to create a 'future' start date for the learner(s) you are registering into a course.
- This will create a scenario where any new learner who is registered to this assignment, who then meets the criteria for one of your customizations - will have analytics begin on the date you enter them into the assignment.
- If you do NOT enter a future start date, the time starts ticking for the learner on the date of registration if your assignment is live.