Deactivate & Reactivate Users
  • 06 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Deactivate & Reactivate Users

  • Dark

Article summary

Article Overview

When it comes to deactivating and deleting users and/or their learning program data, you have multiple options - some are reversible, others are not.  In this article, you will learn (1) how to remove a learner from a program (deactivate), (2) how to permanently delete a user's data, (3) how to view which learners have been deactivated, and finally, (4) how to reactivate a user back into the program.

  1. Deactivate User(s)
  2. Delete a User's Learning Data PERMANENTLY
  3. View Deactivated Users
  4. Reactivate a User 
  5. Best Practices & Troubleshooting

1) Deactivate User(s)

Deactivating a user simply removes that individual from being active within a learning program.  It does not delete their learning analytics from the overall program's data; nor is the action permanent.  A learner can be reactivated at a later time.

Locate your user via the search field, or multiple users via the filters.  

2) Delete a User's Learning Data PERMANENTLY

If you need to permanently remove a learner's data from the program, you need to perform the deletion prior to deactivating the user.  This can be done in the user profile.

Deleting a user's lesson data neither deletes nor deactivates the learner

3) View Deactivated Users

Once added to a learning program, the user's profile will remain associated to the program, even after being deactivated.  To view the deactivated learners, use the filters at the top of the User Management UI.

4) Reactivate a User 

After opening the list of deactivated users (as shown above), you can restore/reactivate users individually or in bulk.  This will put them back into 'active learning' status within the program.  Unless you deleted their lesson data, it remained intact even while they were deactivated.

5) Best Practices & Troubleshooting

Best Practices

  • If you want to deactivate a user AND permanently delete their learning data from Skyllful, perform the data deletion first, then deactivate the learner.


  • If you can't delete a learner's lesson data, make sure they are active learners and try again.  To do this, filter the access level by [Deactivated].  If the user is present, use the edit icon to [Restore] and then [Delete Lesson Data].  Once that is performed, you can deactivate them once again.  
  • If you cannot locate a known Skyllful user when trying to [Import User from Other Training Program], check the deactivated user list.  At some point, they may have been added to the program and then deactivated.  When that occurs, they won't be on the list of importable users.

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