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This article provides an overview of xAPI and how it is used within Skyllful Studio.
xAPI is a data specification for learning technology that documents how a learner interacts with the content. These interactions are saved as verb statements within the learning management system (LMS) or learning record store(LRS).
xAPI and Skyllful
Skyllful allows for one-way data migration between Skyllful Simulator and an organization's LRS. This allows for a wholistic approach to data analysis when learning activities are spread across multiple learning platforms.
xAPI Statements
- xAPI statements are organized in the format of "actor verb object".
- The actor is the uniquely identified learner. In the case of Skyllful, the learner can be identified by email or internal ID.
- The verb is a word in the past tense. It describes the interaction between the learner and the content. There are established xAPI verbs.
- The object is what the actor interacts with. In the case of Skyllful, this is the learning content. There is established xAPI object terminology.
Skyllful Event [Knowledge Check Completed] Maps to XAPI Verb [Completed] XAPI Activity [Assessment]