Studio: Set up xAPI Connection
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Studio: Set up xAPI Connection

  • Dark

Article summary


This article documents how to set up a one-way xAPI connection from Skyllful Simulator to an external learning record store (LRS).


1. From the Home page, select the appropriate [Training Program].

2.Select the [xAPI Settings] Quick Link.

3. To connect an LRS, you will need to enter the [LRS URL], [username], and [password]. Consult your LRS administrator for these details.

4. Click [Validate] to check these settings.

5. Select the appropriate radio button to choose how the learner identifying information is communicated: by email or personnel number.

6. Create connections from Skyllful Events to xAPI Verb and Activity Mappings by selecting the appropriate [Skyllful Event], [XAPI Verb] and [XAPI Activity].

7. Click [Create].

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