Studio: Map New Skyllful Events to xAPi
  • 21 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Studio: Map New Skyllful Events to xAPi

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Article summary


This article explains how to map Skyllful Events to xAPI.


1. From the Learning Program Overview page, select the [xAPI Setting] Quick Link.

The xAPI Settings page can also be accessed through the hamburger menu at the top left of each page.

2. Click the [Skyllful Event] dropdown to select an event. This is the learner event in Skyllful that will be transmitted to the LRS.

3. Click the [xAPI Verb] dropdown to select an appropriate verb.

To find an appropriate verb, check your existing LRS or reference the xAPI verb registry.

4. Click the [xAPI Activity] dropdown to select an appropriate activity.

To find an appropriate activity, check your existing LRS or reference the xAPI activity registry.

5. Click the plus [+] icon to add the new mapping.

6. To view the information that will be sent to the LRS, click the eye icon to open the xAPI preview modal.

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