Introduction to Training Modes
  • 08 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Introduction to Training Modes

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Article summary

Article Overview

Skyllful blends interactive elements into an immersive microlearning experience through 4 Gradual Release modalities.  (1st) Video - learners passively consume information by watching a video that demonstrates the learning objective.  (2nd) Walkthrough - learners are guided through their first active interaction within a replication of their work environment.  (3rd) Practice - learners are provided the same immersive replication of the work environment and are expected to actively navigate the task; they are only provided support when needed.  (4th) Knowledge Check - learners are expected to independently and successfully complete the task required of their learning objective (without support).  

  1. Gradual Release of Responsibility Learning Model
  2. Video Mode
  3. Walkthrough Mode
  4. Practice Mode
  5. Knowledge Check Mode

1) Gradual Release of Responsibility Learning Model

The Gradual Release Model of instructional design creates a scaffolded system of learning tools, supports, and tasks.  Learners graduate from full support to independent performance through 4 unique but repetitive phases that target the learning objective.

The learner receives full support wherein the task required of the learning objective is demonstrated.The learner is given full support while they actively engage with the learning objective.The learner is given support only when a mistake is made and feedback is required.The learner is not given support; rather, a safe environment where they are free to learn through trial & error.  Ultimately, this is where they show unsupported mastery of the learning objective.
Video Mode
Walkthrough Mode
Practice Mode
Knowledge Check Mode

This is a screen capture of Skyllful Simulator's learning environment.  You can see the Gradual Release Model is an embedded design feature of the learning experience.

2) Video Mode

Learners passively consume information by watching a video that demonstrates the learning objective.  This video is a visually immersive demonstration of the tasks required to successfully perform required tasks.  The video voiceover is important as it provides the context that frames the learning experience.

By default, Skyllful Simulator (the learner's interface) opens the lesson's video mode when a video is available.  Learners will tap [Play Video].

Watch this learner play the video through Simulator's media player.  The learner does not have to use a local media player, then navigate back to resume training.

3) Walkthrough Mode

Learners are guided through their first active interaction within a replication of their work environment.  The UX consists of a linear series of the work environment's screen captures.  Each step's screen captures is layered with both visual indicators and contextual guidance.  This provides an immersive experience in which learners begin interacting with an authentic workflow - with full supports in place.

Learners enter the Walkthrough UX by tapping [Begin Learning]. 

Watch this learner use the visual and contextual guidance to complete the linear workflow.

4) Practice Mode

Learners are provided the same immersive replication of the work environment and are expected to actively, and independently, navigate the task.  It is only when a learner struggles repeatedly that on-screen support is pushed through.  The goal of the Practice Mode is for a learner to practice repeatedly until they can complete the learning objective without making mistakes that prompt on-screen feedback.

Learners enter the Practice UX by tapping [Begin Practice].

Watch what happens in Practice Mode when mistakes are made.

5) Knowledge Check Mode

Learners are expected to independently and successfully complete the task required of their learning objective (without support). Currently, if 2 mistakes are made, the learner does not pass the mastery check.  It is possible this may become an editable threshold during a future release of the Skyllful Platform.  As of v20230302.2, there is a 2 click failure threshold in Knowledge Check Mode.  

You can check your version of Skyllful in the menu:

Learners cannot access the Knowledge Check until they have completed all modes leading up to it

Learners enter the Knowledge Check UX by tapping [Begin Knowledge Check].

Watch what happens when a learner makes two mistakes in Knowledge Check Mode.

After failing, the learner can make another attempt at the Knowledge Check, or they can revisit any other mode to better learn the workflow.  Watch this learner pass the Knowledge Check.

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