Convert Screenshots into Screen Replicas
  • 03 Apr 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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  • Dark

Convert Screenshots into Screen Replicas

  • Dark

Article summary

Article Overview

This tutorial will show you how to convert a Screenshot into a Screen Replica so it can be edited and/or have interactive features added.  Screen Replicas are what make the Skyllful learning environment truly authentic and interactive.

  1. Video Tutorial
  2. Step-by-Step Image Tutorial
  3. Best Practices & Troubleshooting
If you need to know how to get Screenshots into the Screen Library, reference this article.  
If you need to know the difference between a Screenshot and a Screen Replica, reference this article.  
If you want to know how to convert a screen recording into a series of Screenshots that automatically populate the Screen Library, reference this article.

1) Video Tutorial

2) Step-by-Step Image Tutorial

1. Navigate to the Program's Screen Library using either (A) the Skyllful Menu or (B) the Home Screen's Program Card & Quick Links
A - Skyllful Menu

B - Program Card & Quick Links

2. Click [Select] in the top menu, choose one, or more, Screenshot(s) from the library, and click [Convert] in the top menu

3. Check AI settings, crop boundaries, and then click [Convert] for one screenshot, or [Convert All] for multiple screenshots.

4. How to confirm the conversion from Screenshot to Screen Replica was made:
  • [Show Original Screenshot] button is now present along with the size scale
  • Behind the screen tray is a set of editing tools
  • If you close the screen, you can see the image has an AI label instead of SCREENSHOT

3) Best Practices & Troubleshooting

Best Practices

  • You can convert screens in bulk by selecting more than one.  The cropping boundaries and AI detection settings you establish will apply to all screens simultaneously - which saves time.
  • If you convert screens in bulk, you can navigate away from the screen after hitting the [Convert All] button, you do not have to sit and wait for the conversions, they will occur in the background.


  • It is easy to forget that you need to hit the [Select] button in the top menu ribbon before choosing the screen(s) you want to convert.

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