Auto-Provisioning for SSO Authenticators
  • 25 Sep 2024
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Auto-Provisioning for SSO Authenticators

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Article summary


If your organization uses an SSO for authentication into the Skyllful platform, you can customize the settings in Skyllful so your learners are automatically adopted into the system upon utilizing the SSO login option. This eliminates the need (and time required) to manually enter or import user data into Skyllful once this has been accomplished.

  1. Accessing the Auto-Provisioning UI
  2. Setting Up Auto-Provisioning

Accessing Auto-Provisioning

Auto-Provisioning was designed to be a set-it-and-forget-it approach to granting learner access to the Skyllful platform. Typically, an IT representative will author the account creation claims when initially adopting the process. There is no need to continuously monitor the settings within Skyllful.

To access Auto-Provisioning, open the [Users] interface via the Quick Links at the bottom of any learning program screen

Auto-Provisioning is located in the 3-dot overflow menu

Setting Up Auto-Provisioning

If you are not familiar with auto-provisioning claims, someone in your IT department will likely be able to assist with this setup.  Once it is complete, you shouldn't need to return to this interface often, if at all.

REQUIRED when enabling Auto-Provisioning:

  • Default Manager
  • Default Role


  • Default Tag(s)
  • Custom Manager Claims
  • Custom Role Claim
  • Custom Tag(s) Claims


These assignments will not be retroactive.  Whatever settings you have in place at the time a new learner first signs into Skyllful using your SSO will not be overwritten if you later change the claims.

You can use the default claims to set the same manager, role and/or tags for every individual who logs into Skyllful using your SSO.  
BEST PRACTICE: Consider creating a generic manager and role (as seen below) if you have multiple supervisors who will later assign themselves to their trainees.
You must first click [Update] before the toggle to enable auto-provisioning will become active.

If you want to specify any conditions that would veer from the default assignments, you can customize additional claims.
Any enrollee who does not fit into a custom claim will be assigned the default manager, role, and tag(s).

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